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overland folw中文是什么意思

用"overland folw"造句"overland folw"怎么读"overland folw" in a sentence


  • 表面径流


  • A new method is presented . the travel time , including the time delays associated with overland folw pathways , is obtained . it is expected that the hillslope velocity and the stream velocity are different , and different equation is used . in the method , the fact that velocity increases going downstream in river systems is taken into account . after the travel time of each cell being calculated , the frequency distribution of the times of arrival of individual water droplets at the catchment outlet - giuh , is obtained
    提出了一种汇流时间计算方法,汇流时间中包括坡地漫流时间和河道汇流时间。方法中坡地单元的汇流速度与河道单元的汇流速度采用不同的计算公式,同时考虑流速沿河道向下游的变化。流域中每一个网格单元的汇流时间得到后,将其看作随机变量,进行统计分析后,得到汇流时间的频率分布? giuh 。
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